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You’re our top priority. We want our users to have access to affordable and reliable incorporation and business services. While our site doesn’t feature every brand available on the market, we take pride at the guidance we offer and the information we provide to our readers. Our editorial reviews are based on our own independent assessment of the products and services that we review and our own opinions, straightforward and provided free of charge to our readers. So how do we make money? We receive compensation from some of the brands listed on our site. This influences which products and/or services we write about, their ‘comparison score’ and their position on our pages. We DO NOT accept compensation for writing a review or for writing a favorable review. The referral fee that some of the brans pay us does not impact the review of the brand.
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You’re our top priority. We want our users to have access to affordable and reliable incorporation and business services. While our site doesn’t feature every brand available on the market, we take pride at the guidance we offer and the information we provide to our readers. Our editorial reviews are based on our own independent assessment of the products and services that we review and our own opinions, straightforward and provided free of charge to our readers. So how do we make money? We receive compensation from some of the brands listed on our site. This influences which products and/or services we write about, their ‘comparison score’ and their position on our pages. We DO NOT accept compensation for writing a review or for writing a favorable review. The referral fee that some of the brans pay us does not impact the review of the brand.

How to Start an LLC in 2025

Looking to start an LLC? Learn how to start an LLC in 4 simple steps. You can start an LLC on your own and only pay the state fee or use one of the best LLC filing services and let the professionals register your company for an affordable fee.

Picture of hands holding an tablet and a picture of a rocket launch with LLC writing on the tablet

It is possible to register your LLC all by yourself. Read on and learn how to start an LLC and register your business in 4 simple steps. Otherwise, you can also use a professional filing service and register your business in less than 10 minutes. Check out our Best LLC services top list.

LLC DIY – Here is what you need to know!

    If you choose to register your business on your own, know that it is quite time-consuming. You will need to educate yourself on the process and most importantly, any mistakes you make could easily delay the process.

Option 1 – Start an LLC on your own

Name your LLC

The first step is to verify that your business name is unique and complete a business entity search in the state you choose to incorporate. You may also want to check if the name you want is already trademarked. Do a quick search on the US search trademark database.

Select your LLC registered agent

All LLCs are required to have a registered agent. In some states, this position is also known as Agent for Service of Process. You can be your own registered agent but for most businesses, we don’t recommend it.

A registered agent can keep track of legal requirements and filings for. If you chose a professional registered agent service, then they will always available during office hours to receive your mail. This way, you don’t need to worry about being available to receive and check important mail and you can focus on running and growing the business.

Professional registered agent reviews

      • We’ve researched and reviewed the best registered agent services for your LLC. Check out the best professional

    register agent services.

File your business

Select your state below to get direct links to the Secretary of State website and forms:

Alabama LLC

Alaska LLC

Arkansas LLC

Arizona LLC

California LLC

Colorado LLC

Connecticut LLC

Delaware LLC

Florida LLC

Georgia LLC

Hawaii LLC

Idaho LLC

Illinois LLC

Iowa LLC

Indiana LLC

Kansas LLC

Kentucky LLC

Louisiana LLC

Maine LLC

Maryland LLC

Massachusetts LLC

Michigan LLC

Minnesota LLC

Mississippi LLC

Missouri LLC

Montana LLC

Nebraska LLC

Nevada LLC

New Hampshire LLC

New Jersey LLC

New Mexico LLC

New York LLC

North Carolina

North Dakota

Ohio LLC

Oklahoma LLC

Oregon LLC

Pennsylvania LLC

Rhode Island LLC

South Carolina LLC

South Dakota LLC

Tennessee LLC

Texas LLC

Utah LLC

Vermont LLC

Virginia LLC

Washington LLC

West Virginia LLC

Wisconsin LLC

Wyoming LLC

Option 2: Use an LLC Filing services to start your LLC

Online LLC filing services simplify the entire process for you and allow you to register your LLC in less then 10 minutes.

  1. Choose the right LLC filing service for you
  2. Select your entity
  3. Chose the incorporation package
  4. Fill in your business name and contact information
  5. Select your registered agent

The top LLC filing services are your one-stop shop to create and manage your LLC business in all 50 states. In particular, all our top LLC filing services come with the option to include registered agent service included – making your experience as smooth and painless as possible. Checkout out list of the best LLC services.

My LLC in is registered – What’s next?

Congratulations on your LLC! Don’t forget that the process and legwork don’t stop here. After successfully forming your LLC, post guidelines can make your business organized, seamless, and less complicated.

Set the line between personal and business resources

It’s recommended that you separate your personal assets from your LLC. Assets such as your house, car, and other personal properties should not mix with your LLC’s assets. This way, if your Connecticut LLC gets sued, you can have peace of mind knowing that your valuables are safe and will not be dragged into the picture.

Open your business bank account

It will be easy and tempting to ‘borrow’ or refinance your LLC using your account when your LLC needs some financial uplift, but don’t. Just like your personal resources, your savings and money meant for personal use should be kept private. If you need funds to jump-start your business, you can always consider a business loan.

Onboard a business accountant

A business accountant can oversee and ensure that your organization is not overpaying in taxes while at the same time making sure that you don’t have any penalties and other expensive tax errors. Having one also removes the responsibility of bookkeeping and payroll off your shoulders. You can focus on the other angles of growing your business.

Consider getting business insurance

Regardless of how small your company is at the moment, growth and expansion are part of the long-term goal. Getting business insurance can help you feel secure from any possible risks. It can assist you in managing potential lawsuits or even malpractice and other business-triggered errors.

As a responsible and pro-employee organization, you’d also want to consider workers’ compensation insurance to provide coverage for your employees should there be any work-related injuries, sicknesses, or even death that may happen.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the LLC state fee cost to register a new business?

The LLC State fee cost is different in every state. To learn more about the cost in your state click on your state name above.

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