Best LLC Services for Non-US Residents in 2024

Best LLC Services for Non-US Residents in 2024
Launch Your U.S. LLC Business Today

Looking to start an LLC in the U.S.? Compare the top LLC filing services & avoid paying high lawyer fees. Launch your U.S. business in 10 minutes and start getting paid in USD.

Updated September 2024
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LLC services since 2004
Top Choice
Tailor Brands - Top business formation service for non-US residents. Offers great selection of business services including compliance and license.
  • LLC filing starts at $0 (+state fee)
  • Registered agent & U.S. business bank account
  • U.S. address included
  • Expert support team on call
  • Over 500,000 businesses launched
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Did you know?
US residents can register their LLC for free with ZenBusiness.
LegalZoom - Leading LLC filing service for Non-us residents. Offers affordable and experienced attorney support & legal services.
  • LLC starts at $0 + state fees
  • Extensive independent attorney network
  • 60-day refund/replacement policy
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Bizee - Affordable LLC formation services with excellent customer support.
  • LLC filing starts at $0 (+state fees)
  • Free 1st year registered agent service
  • Launched 1M+ businesses since 2004
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Northwest Registered Agent - Established LLC filing service with super fast filing speeds and business experts support for US and none US citizens (No SSN).
  • LLC filing starts at $39 (+state fees)
  • Free 1st year registered agent service
  • Exceptional multiple-states Registered Agent service
Read our Northwest Registered Agent review
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SwyftFilings - Top rated LLC and corporation filings services with superfast turnaround times.
  • Convenient option to register a foreign Entity
  • LLC filing starts at $0 (+state fees)
  • Personal business specialist
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RocketLawyer - Easy access to legal documents and legal services.
  • Free incorporation with the purchase of a registered agent service
  • Unlimited access to legal documents library
  • 2+ million businesses served since 2008
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IncAuthority - More than 20 years of experience as an LLC & corporation formation specialist.
  • As low as $0 + state fees
  • Free 1st year registered agent service
  • Dedicated support from expert business coaches
Read our IncAuthority review

LLC for U.S. citizens

ZenBusiness - Exceptional service for fast & easy business formation with expert support and 100% accuracy guarantee.
  • LLC starts at $0 + state fee
  • Trusted and affordable LLC service with fast filing speeds
  • Registered agent & worry free compliance service
  • Transparent pricing & top rated expert support
  • 100% accuracy guarantee
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an LLC?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business entity that was first accepted as an authorized legal entity in the late 1970s in Wyoming. Since then, it is recognized in every state and has become one the most popular business structures for SMBs primarily because of its personal liability protection, simplicity and flexibility.

What are the tax implications for non-residents LLC?

US taxation of non-residents is dependent on multiple variables including but not limited to the nature of the business conducted through the LLC. It also depends on what is being sold by the LLC and where is the owner / owners of the LLC located. Additionally, whether there are employees, agents and/or contractors of the LLC located in the US. We advise any non-US resident looking to form an LLC in the US to consult with a US tax professional.

LLC benefits

An LLC offers business owners the simplicity of a general partnership in terms of formalities and taxes, yet with the personal protection and shield against company debts and liabilities of a corporation. Otherwise, you could be held personally responsible for the mistakes your business might make.

Another huge benefit of forming an LLC is its flexibility. You get to choose whether you want to be managed as a partnership (member-managed LLC) or as a corporation (manager-managed LLC) with all the formalities, such as having a board of directors and annual meetings. You can also turn your LLC into a corporation down the road if the business takes that direction.

Why use an online formation service to form an LLC?

Online LLC formation services offer a fast and cost-effective solution to forming a business. These filing services and industry experts offer all the services you would need to launch your business, such as preparation and filing of LLCs and corporations, business licenses, legal documents, compliance, US address and registered agent services, all in one place, for an affordable price.

Do you need help starting an LLC? With online LLC filing services forming your business is a quick, straightforward, and smooth process. Forming your LLC and launching your business is no longer a complicated, lengthy, and expensive process when you leave it to these industry professionals to do the work for you. The top services also offer very knowledgeable chat support.

Professional services can also help you expedite your LLC registration. If it’s important for you to start your business fast and with minimal effort, TailorBrands offers expedited filing including banking a US address and a US business bank account.

How to start an LLC in 3 simple steps

Starting your LLC is super easy and fast when using a trusted professional formation service. Once you’ve selected a filing service, complete the following 3 steps:

  1. Fill in your company name and address
  2. Designate a registered agent
  3. Pay for the filing service (and possible add-ons such as Operating Agreement, expedited filing service, etc…) + state fees

Domestic LLC vs. Foreign LLC

A domestic LLC means you file in your state of residence and you do business mainly in that state. This is the most common and cost-effective scenario. A foreign LLC is used when you have filed papers in one state and you have a physical facility or storefront in another state.

In order to do business in that second state, you need to file a foreign LLC. Foreign LLCs tend to cost more and require a registered agent. Conversely, if you file for an LLC in another state for some reason, and you do business in your home state, you will have to file a foreign LLC in your home state in order to do business there.

What is BOIR for business?

As of 2024, U.S. new and existing businesses need to submit the ‘Beneficial Ownership Information Report’ (BOIR) to FinCEN. These reports include personal information about significant people involved in the company, including the entity, its beneficial owners, and in some cases its company applicants. The top LLC filing services listed on our chart can support you with the BOIR requirement.

Delaware LLC

Over 50% of U.S. publicly traded corporations are incorporated in Delaware and many LLCs are filed there as well. Delaware, known as a tax haven and holds a reputation as the most business-friendly state in the U.S, is a very popular choice because it does not tax out-of-state income, it has low filing fees and it has a special Chancery Court that handles business matters.

That being said, there is still the matter of an extra state’s filing fees and hiring a registered agent. There are more advantages for corporations to file in Delaware than LLCs, but it depends on your particular situation. Remember the domestic vs foreign LLC requirements as you will be paying fees in both states if you do not reside in Delaware. The LLC Annual state fee in Delaware (DE) is $300 (every year). State filing fee in Delaware (DE) is $100.